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Issue 09: Q3 2014 - Data Analytics

Data Analytics

Issue 09: Q3 2014 / July 9, 2014
Charlie Scott
Founder and Creative Director

In this edition, we’re lifting the lid on the voodoo of data analytics. Below, we discuss the 6 Google Analytics tools your company probably isn’t using.

Most people have a good idea what Google Analytics does well:

• Locates the places that people respond to ads.
• Presents your popular web pages & shows how people arrived there.
• Identifies keywords that are drawing people to your site.
• Checks the percentage of people who enter then ‘bounce’ (or leave) before viewing other pages.

But what are other things Google Analytics could be telling you?

1. Flow tracking

In an ideal world, people would go through your website in a prescribed manner and then buy from you. Flow tracking allows you to take a snapshot of how people are wandering about in your website.

2. Attribution modelling

Attribution modelling allows you to know when, where & how potential leads can be generated through social media, search results, email newsletters, or a link from someone’s blog.

3. E-commerce tracking

It may seem strange, but many companies aren’t using this real-time revenue measurement feature that allows you to track all purchases to date. It shows you the breakdown of online versus in-store revenue to better understand changes in your online selling success rate.

4. Assisted conversion

If you had a flood of traffic to your website, wouldn’t it be great if you could find out whether it came from a Mail Chimp campaign or a recent Instagram page? You guessed it – you can!

5. Advanced segmentation

You can segment your customers into different groups, to see if your customers are coming from search results (Google) or coming in directly. By tracking new hit versus return visitors, the feature allows you to strategically put funding into acquisition or retention of customers.

6. Analytics alert

Analytics alerts or ‘intelligent events’ allow you to better understand anomalies in behaviour, either automatically or by custom alerts. For instance, if you have a spike of activity in a particular geography or referring site, you can take a closer look to better understand the event.

Read more: Get started with Analytics

Success Stories:
Nissan: Gaining insights on product preferences with Google Analytics
Nissan: Gaining insights on product preferences with Google Analytics

Google Analytics gave Nissan Motors a unique opportunity to understand customer preference through their global network of websites.

Nissan wanted to understand customer’s preferences according to car type, model & colour. What they did was capture information on what specific vehicles were being requested in different geographies when visitors requested a test drive or brochure online.

The results allow Nissan to understand which vehicles are in demand & tailor stock according to each market.

View more: Google Marketing Platform

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